

Brioche. Because Sourdough is Hard.

Soooo it has been a while since I last blogged.  And there is a reason for that.  I had this brilliant plan that I was going to make a sourdough starter and then wow everyone with my genius baking skills when I unveiled homemade sourdough bread.  However, my sourdough starter… yeah, no.  It did not […]


Snowed-in with Stolen Apricots

Preview: this bread is awesome.  It’s worth buying the cookbook just for this recipe.  Disclaimer: Paul Hollyood does not pay me to tout his product, he’s just got a good cookbook.  I’m sure Paul Hollywood has no idea who I am.  Although he should.  And Paul, if you’re reading this, feel free to pay me.  […]

Baking, Cookies and Sweets

Butter: everyone’s favorite food.

For New Year’s Eve, I wanted to make something special to share with my friends that I love so very very much.  Everyone knows that the diet starts January 1st, so it also seemed important to do some carbo-loading and make something rather indulgent, so I settled on chocolate croissants, from Paul Hollywood’s book How to […]

Baking, Cookies and Sweets

Microwaves are NOT for Baking.

When strolling through the super market or waiting to check out, I am often tempted by the racks of beautiful cooking magazines positioned near the gum and candy.  Look at the beautiful pictures!  It says I only need seven ingredients for dinner!  This one has a holiday baking theme!  Inevitably, I give in, buy them, and […]