Author: klcassady728


…That time I set the oven on fire.

Hey world.  So.  I haven’t posted in a while. I have a somewhat pressure-filled job as a competitive show choir director, and January and February are STRESSFUL for me.  Usually, I use baking as an outlet for that.  But.  Sometimes everything doesn’t go to plan.  So, this post is dedicated to that.  I did make […]


Caramel Cake: a Distraction from the BORING Superbowl

Every year, my man-friend and I host a half-time-show-watching-party on Super Bowl Sunday.  This is really just an excuse for me to cook up some highly caloric deep fried food and share it with my favorite people.  This year, I also decided to add an indulgent cake to the mix.  Over the holidays, I bought […]

Baking, Cookies and Sweets

Macarons: cute and easy.

Ok, so I don’t really have a recipe for this one.  However, I like to think of Macarons as sort of a personal specialty… I’ve made them quite a lot and feel comfortable adding flavors and whatnot, and I have the amounts memorized.  I’ll bake something else tomorrow to stay on track with my once […]


Brioche. Because Sourdough is Hard.

Soooo it has been a while since I last blogged.  And there is a reason for that.  I had this brilliant plan that I was going to make a sourdough starter and then wow everyone with my genius baking skills when I unveiled homemade sourdough bread.  However, my sourdough starter… yeah, no.  It did not […]


Snowed-in with Stolen Apricots

Preview: this bread is awesome.  It’s worth buying the cookbook just for this recipe.  Disclaimer: Paul Hollyood does not pay me to tout his product, he’s just got a good cookbook.  I’m sure Paul Hollywood has no idea who I am.  Although he should.  And Paul, if you’re reading this, feel free to pay me.  […]

Baking, Cookies and Sweets

Butter: everyone’s favorite food.

For New Year’s Eve, I wanted to make something special to share with my friends that I love so very very much.  Everyone knows that the diet starts January 1st, so it also seemed important to do some carbo-loading and make something rather indulgent, so I settled on chocolate croissants, from Paul Hollywood’s book How to […]