Author: klcassady728


You win some, you lose some.

For some reason, the top two layers of my cake decided to take a dive into the bottom of the fridge.  I am unsure as to the reason for this architectural failure, although I suspect that the culprit is, as usual, my own impatience.  The sponges probably weren’t cool enough.


It’s ok to be too busy for a layer cake.

Yassss look at that fudgey goodness. I know what you’re thinking.  That doesn’t look like something I would normally blog about.  It isn’t layered.  It doesn’t require a bazillion techniques and dirty dishes.  It isn’t even very cute.   Normally I would be way too competitive with myself to post about this super humble chocolate cake, […]


Misshapen But Delicious: Paul Hollywood’s Pecan Loaf

I always enjoy returning to what is, realistically, my favorite and most-used cookbook, Paul Hollywood’s “How to Bake.”  The pecan loaf pictured above was made from that book, and I’ll get to that particular comedy of errors that somehow miraculously yielded something yummy in a bit. Matt and I are slowly approaching our wedding, which […]


It’s fall if I say so.

School is up and running full swing again, which means that I am basically ready for Halloween and the Holidays…. so this is a post about a bread that is great for fall.  If that’s not your jam yet, visit this post in a month or so when you are craving something to dip in […]